Georgina Wills Therapies

Baby Classes #01

Baby Massage

In other countries and cultures, such as in India and Bali, baby massage is taken for granted. In the UK awareness of baby massage and its benefits are growing wih more classes becoming available.

The classes I run are usually over a number of weeks and parents learn a full sequence of strokes, so they feel able and confident to massage their babies at home as part of their daily routines.

They are held either in your own home or in Bletchingley and can be one-to-one or in small groups of up to six. Each session lasts approximately 45-60 mins. Babies ideally need to be about 8 weeks old and anyone who looks after the baby can be taught.

Comprehensive notes will be given to you covering the topics and massage strokes taught and you will also receive a bottle of massgae oil.

The Benefits Can Include:

Massage enhances the bonding process and can bring parents and babies even closer.
Induces a deep relaxation and can help alleviate sleeping problems. It triggers the release of oxytocin and endorphins - the body's natural pain killers.
Reduces colic and enables the digestive system to adjust more fully.
Improves the circulatory system helping the blood to re-oxygenate and lymphatic elimination.
Nourishes the skin, both through the increas of sebum and the regular application of pure vegetable oil.
Helps the muscles to release and "let-go", encouraging babies to stretch out and lenghten after the early curled up position.
Helps them tp feel stable and strong and settled within their own bodies. Gives them a sense of themselves physically.
Provides regular opportunity to "air" their skin, especially their bottoms.
Provides a pleasurable activity and interaction for parents and young babies.

Baby Classes #02

Baby Reflex

Baby Reflex is specially adapted reflexology for babies. The techniques originally were developed for bonding and over the years have helped to ease, relieve and eliminate many baby discomforts therfore proving to be very popular and successful with parents.

The Benefits Can Include:

Help with digestive and feeding problems such as colic, wind and constipation.
Comforting and calming which induces better sleep patterns.
Eases teething pains
Relief from symptons of a cold e.g. blocked sinsues, nose, throat and ear pain.
Helps with the general well being of the baby and to boost immunity.

Baby Reflex is taught to parents so they can then help their babies themselves.

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